Bird Feeders
Make your own homemade bird feeders and bird feed
Winter is an ideal time to create bird feeders in your garden. Place the feeders where they can easily be viewed from indoors. As food supplies are often in short supply during the winter months, you will be amazed to see how popular a feeding station can become.
You can make your own bird feeder from many different containers like an old plastic bottle. You can also try pushing bird feed mix into the gaps of a partially opened pine cone then hanging the pine cone on a nearby tree.
Another great idea is to use a mesh bag and putting the ‘cake’ inside and suspending it from a tree. Make sure the mesh isn't too tightly woven or birds won't be able to get their beaks in to retrieve any food.

Bird Pudding Recipe
Melt 1 cup of dripping fat in a saucepan, and add any or all of the following:
- 2 cups of rolled oats
- Crumbled bread scraps
- Birdseed
The mix can be kept in the fridge and then you can place a little out each day on a tray or edge of a window sill or balcony or you can try making your own feeder. We also sell readymade feeds and feeders in our stores and here online.
Enjoy your bird watching!
Download activity as a pdf for printing.
Adult supervision may be required to help with this project, depending on the child's age.