Autumn Leaf Art
Nichol's Group

Autumn Leaf Art

Entertain the kids on cool autumn days

This small project will help your child's observation skills and their learning of different leaf shapes, colours and sizes.



  • Cardboard or stiff paper
  • Selection of different autumn leaves
  • Glue stick and a Pencil



  • Draw an outline on the cardboard or paper of the picture you want. (Suggestions: a face, a tree, an animal or flowers.)
  • Place glue onto the surface area you are working on and place the leaves onto the glued surface.
  • Try using similar coloured leaves to build up areas. For example use darker toned leaves for shadow areas and to provide some definition to the shape. Some leaves you can cut in half to fit in with the picture.
  • You can also use other plant material to define other areas such as a flower for an eye or a petal for a tongue etc.
  • Experiment with different colours and shapes.

Have fun creating your own autumn art work!

Adult supervision may be required to help with this project, depending on the child's age and whether cutting is required.

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