
Climbers create rooms and atmosphere in the garden

Hamish 0 3357

There is always a place for a climber or two. Whether it is to hide an eyesore or to soften architectural lines, they can be grown up walls, over archways, or along fences - such is their versatility. Deciduous or evergreen, some cling, twine, scramble, or just lean. Whatever their method they can be trained to fit any shape or space 


The use of ferns for decoration dates back several centuries

Hamish 0 4706

Ferns come in all shapes and sizes with a classic beauty of their own. There are the magnificent giant tree ferns, right down to the small moss like ferns found on the forest floor. Where ever they grow ferns require shade, moisture and little attention. 

Trees, Shrubs & Roses

Planting Guide

Nichol's Group 0 10383

Whether you're a green-thumb or not, success with plants is relatively easy to acheive provided a few basic steps are followed - especially in planting season. For best results, allowing a little extra time and money at planting time will eventually pay off.  

How to Stake a Tree

The proper way to do it

Nichol's Group 0 8836

Not all trees need stakes and determining when and when not to stake generally arises from the amount of exposure to wind on the site where you're planting the tree, and the plant's height to root ball ratio. Usually, only trees greater than...