
Dahlias are one of the stars of the summer garden.

Hamish 0 3707

Dahlias come in a wide range of colours, flower types and size, foliage colour and heights. They flower freely, are easy care, and make excellent cut flowers for the home. 


How to grow & Care for Cyclamen

Hamish 0 3771

Flowering at a time of year when little else can be found flowering, Cyclamen are a popular indoor houseplant. With their beautiful, long-lasting flowers and interesting heart-shaped leaves with a marbled silvery pattern, who can resist one to brighten up any room in the house!


Tall and stately, Lilies add a touch of the exotic to the garden.

Hamish 0 3249

From the pure white Xmas lily, to bright yellows, oranges and reds, there is a Lily colour to suit all tastes. Lilies are surprisingly easy to grow provided a few simple steps are taken. 

Azaleas & Rhododendrons

Care for optimal growth

Nichol's Group 0 9129

Azaleas and Rhododendrons are the most popular, decorative evergreen shrubs, with their vivid display of flowers from late winter to early summer. Blooms in many different forms and sizes including tubular, starry, bell and bowl shaped, large and small, and even fragrant.

Flower Bulbs

Learn the best way to get the most life from your bulbs

Anonym 0 8710

Celebrating the end of winter, vibrant spring flowering bulbs give maximum effect for minimum effort.
There is no limit to the number of bulbs that can be planted to give late winter and early spring colour and, with a bit of careful planning, there could be bulbs flowering in your garden right through to late summer.


How to grow

Nichol's Group 0 6935

Originating from China, the earliest  modern rose was the tea rose but, now, roses are found in almost every garden and deservedly have the title ‘Queen of the Flowers’. With centuries of breeding, modern roses today flower continuously from spring to autumn. There are single, semi-double and double flowered forms in every colour imaginable, often with an intoxicating fragrance.


How to grow

Nichol's Group 0 5542

Native to the rainforests of South America, Fuchsias are easy to grow shrubs and trees with beautiful pendulous single, double or semi double-tubular flowers that hang down like dancing ballerinas. There are over 3000 species of Fuchsia with endless, contrasting colour combinations and flower forms to add enchantment to any garden.