Geraniums & Pelargoniums
Nichol's Group

Geraniums & Pelargoniums

How to grow

No flower captures the essence of summer more than brightly coloured Geraniums and Pelargoniums. Plant them in pots and hanging baskets to brighten up walls and fences, patios and front entrances.

At a Glance:

  • Plant a sunny, frost-free position
  • Dead head regularly to prolong flowering
  • Feed every 2 weeks with a liquid plant food


Although both geraniums and pelargoniums members of the same plant family, Geraniaceae family, each is in fact a distinct genus. And, while they might look very similar, they can be distinguished by the petals of their flowers. Geranium flowers have five, almost identical, petals, while the pelargonium blooms have two upper petals that are different in shape and size to the lower three petals.  


Main types include:

Regal - large, frilly flowers
Zonal - big flowers, zonal pattern on leaves
Fancy Leafed - leaves banded with yellow, white or coral,
Ivy - ivy-like leaves and a trailing habit
Scented - aromatic leaves smelling of citrus, apple or mint.

  • Flowers of all types come in a range of colours from white through to pink to red, purple and orange.
  • They make excellent pot and container plants.  Thrive in glasshouses and conservatories.



  • Plant in full sun, in a frost free location.
  • They prefer a loose, free draining soil with added compost.
  • Feed with a slow release fertiliser at planting time and fortnightly with a liquid or soluble fertiliser such as Phostrogen.
  • Water regularly in hot periods.
  • Dead head and trim dried or yellow leaves to keep in good condition.
  • When growing in pots or baskets use a good quality potting mix with added slow release flowering fertiliser.

When to Plant

Geraniums and pelargoniums are best planted from spring through to mid-summer.
You can buy them as individually named plants or in mixed 6 packs for use in bedding displays.

Where to use

Geraniums and pelargoniums can be used all round the garden to good effect. Try using them in some of the situations listed below:-

Plant in mixed borders
Full sun spots in the garden
In pots and containers
In conservatories and glasshouses
Over archways and frames
Spill over walls, banks etc

Popular Varieties

There are dozens of varieties, but here are just some of our favourites:



  • Frank Headlye - single salmon flowers
  • Mrs Pollock - single scarlet flowers
  • Occold Shield - double orange/red flower


  • Pac Tomcat - semi-double dark velvet red
  • Pac Tomgirl - large double blooms of velvet red


  • Pac Flower Fairy Berry - cerise with eye
  • Pac Glacis - white flowers
  • Pac Victor - velvet-red blooms


  • Aristo Beauty - burgundy with white edged flowers
  • Joseph Hayden - rose pink with eye

Scented Pelargonium

  • Orange Fizz -  lemon scented
  • Fragrans—apple and nutmeg scented


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