Tall and stately, Lilies add a touch of the exotic to the garden.
- Grow in dappled sunlight
- Grow in a free draining soil
- Do not let Lily bulbs dry out
Lilies are flowering plants grown from bulbs.
There are many forms, the most popular belonging to one of the following groups:-
Asiatic, Species, Longiflorum, Oriental.
They come in a range of flower colours, including white, pink, yellow, orange and red. Fragrance is a feature of many of the species and oriental varieties. Lilies are available as bulbs from May or as a smaller selection of Potted Flowering specimens from late October.
They are summer flowering and can be grown in the garden or in pots.
- Lilies prefer to grow in acid, or lime free, soils.
- Even though lily bulbs should never dry out, they do need a free draining soil to let excess moisture to drain away.
- They like a semi shaded situation, or dappled sunlight
- Give them plenty of moisture in hot dry spells.
- Taller varieties will need staking
- Re-plant bulbs immediately after lifting – do not let the bulbs dry.
When to Plant
Lilies are purchased as bulbs and planted early to mid autumn, or as plants November/December
After purchase, plant Lily bulbs as soon as possible to reduce the risk of the bulbs drying out in the small bags they are sold in.
Where to Plant
Lilies can either be planted in the garden or in pots and containers.
When planting in the garden make sure to provide a fertile, free draining soil. The addition of pumice, sand or grit at the base of the planting hole will assist with this.
In the garden, Tui Bulb Food should be applied at planting time. Once plants emerge liquid feed at two weekly intervals.
In pots always use a good quality potting mix.
In pots it is best to use a slow release fertiliser such as Osmocote to promote flowers.
Lilies can be used successfully in the following situations:
- In garden borders from the centre to the back
- In pots and containers
- Semi-shade, dappled light positions
- Woodland themed gardens
- Decks and patios
- Conservatories and glasshouses
Popular Varieties
Auratum – Golden Splendour, Triumphator, African Queen
Asiatic – London Heart, Landine, White Pixels including dwarf varieties Tiny Bee and Tiny Nanny
Oriental – Solution, Soft Music, Conca D’or including Patio Oriental varieties Entertainer, Souvenir, Starlight Express
Christmas – Regale (traditional Christmas lily), White Heaven, Watch up
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