March Gardening

Plant bulbs now for early Spring blooms

Nichol's Group 0 4497

Autumn is the best time for planting out bulbs for a delightful Spring blooming show. While planting bulbs in April and May is great for successive blooming, getting stuck-in with your early bloomers in March means flowers are ready to show themselves right at the beginning of Spring - just when we all need a lift from the dreariness of winter.  

January Gardening

Keeping your garden worthy of admiration

Nichol's Group 0 5176

Summer is here and our sunny warm days are spent outdoors enjoying nature, family BBQs and, of course, tending to the garden. It's now time to be planting our winter greens and getting them all sown before months end to allow enough time for them to reach full maturity before the colder months halt growing.  

December Gardening

Mid-summer maintenance and disease prevention

Nichol's Group 0 4932

Aside from getting the garden looking spick and span for when all your relatives come visiting over the Christmas period, there are certain, more mundane, things that need to be taken care of during these lovely mid-summer days. 

November Gardening

Sowing seeds for Autumn & Winter veggies

Nichol's Group 0 9579

November is action stations for the seed-sowing vegetable gardeners. So much has to be sown to keep us going through autumn and winter and is a good time to plant your favourite summer vegetables such as courgette, cucumber, peppers, pumpkin and squash all of which need long hours of full sunshine.

September Gardening

When spring is first sprung

Nichol's Group 0 8802

Welcome to Spring! September marks the beginning of Spring and holds the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. This means, the daffodils start coming out, Spring blossom is abundant, the days are getting warmer and brighter, and they all contribute to the sweet, fresh spring scent in the air and all the possibilities that the warmer weather entails. Lets get gardening! 

June Gardening

Soil preparation for planting out

Nichol's Group 0 6049

June is all about new season's roses arriving in store. Most flower gardeners consider it unthinkable to create a garden without roses as they can easily lift your garden out of the ordinary. Simply by situating them so...

April Gardening

Clean up, hedging, bulbs, and veggies

Nichol's Group 0 8529

April is about planting spring bulbs and the sooner daffodils are planted, the better they will perform. There are always a few places where a few more bulbs can be planted such as scatter plantings of bluebells and crocuses under deciduous trees, little dwarf tulips and irises tucked into rock gardens or fritillaria and dogs tooth violet enjoying some shady spots.

October Gardening

Best time for planting out tomatoes

Nichol's Group 0 9177

Tomato planting time is here again - and who can resist the temptation to eat sweet cherry tomatoes picked straight from the plant and still sunshine warm?! At Nichols we have a all types of tomato plants: the ever faithful Money Maker, the giant fruit producers, the newer varieties, and perfect lunchbox size varities.

Fruit Trees

How to grow

Nichol's Group 0 11375

Fruit trees provide delicious fruit full of health benefits and antioxidants but they can often also perform additional functions, such as shade in summer, blossom in spring and sometimes coloured leaves in autumn. Such a beautiful addition to any garden, and many can be grown in most areas, while a few have more particular requirements.

Pruning Fruit Trees

Turn an arduous task into a simple one

Nichol's Group 0 13795

If left to themselves, fruit trees will quickly overgrow and become a scraggly mess in your otherwise pristine garden. The key to keeping them attractive and productive is annual pruning - which isn't as complex or scary as many make out.

Citrus Fruit

How to grow

Nichol's Group 0 12661

Once upon a time fruit trees could be found in every New Zealand garden but with today’s smaller gardens it is more difficult to find space. With careful selection, however, and knowing where to plant these trees can be accommodated and can thrive.