Easy Care Gardens
Easy Care Gardens
- Keep it simple
- Choose hardy, long-lived, low-maintenance trees and shrubs
- Design wide shrub borders with easy curves to keep lawn mowing easy.
Putting it Together
Keep it simple. Choose hardy, long-lived, low-maintenance trees and shrubs. Design wide shrub borders with easy curves to keep lawn mowing easy. A few well-placed shade trees are important for sun protection and the atmosphere in the outdoor living areas. Close planting of ground cover shrubs and perennials will prevent weeds from coming through.
Plants for an Easy Care Garden
The following plant lists are a guide to getting started. Many more varieties are available. Observation of what grows well in your area is suggested before making the final selection.
How to Plant
Refer to our brochure on ‘How to Plant’.
When to Plant
Autumn is the best time to plant the framework of trees and shrubs and get the roots well established before the harsh conditions of the following summer. The widest selection of trees and shrubs are available in the autumn and winter months.
Trees for Structure and Framing
- Ash (Fraxinus)
- Birch (Betula), Crab Apple (Malus)
- Cornus (Dogwood)
- Gleditsia Flowering Cherry (Prunus)
- Magnolia, Robinia ‘Frisia’, Robina ‘Lace Lady’
- Weeping Pear (Pyrus), Silk Tree (Albizzia)
Easy Care Shrubs
- Abelia, Aucuba, Azalea
- Camellia, Californian Lilac (Ceanothus)
- Daphne, Erica, Hebe, Manuka(Leptospermum)
- Juniper, Myrtus (Lophomyrtus)
- Leucadendron, Lily of the Valley (Pieris)
- Nandina, Mexican Orange Blossom (Choisya)
- Pittosporum, Pyracantha, Flax (Phormium)
- Protea, Rock Rose (Cistus), Silverberry (Elaeagnus)
- Viburnum especially tinus, Eve price, Emerald Beauty
Climbers for Adding Dimension
- Options include evergreen E and deciduous varieties D
- Virginia Creeper, Boston Ivy – D
- Honeysuckle (Lonicera) E & D varieties available
- Wonga wonga vine (Pandorea) E (frost tender for Inland gardens)
- Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum) E
- Clematis paniculata (Puawhananga) E
- Banksia Roses E
Perennials for Colour & Texture
- Ajuga,Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla)
- Day lilies, Canna, Felicia
- Gazania, Gaura, Geraniums
- Heuchera, Marguerite Daisies, Mondo Grass
- Catmint (Nepeta)
- Senecio, Salvia, Sedum
Ground Covers – Great Weed Suppressants
Agapanthus, Arctosis, Acaena, Ajuga
Coprosma Hawera, Taiko or Black Cloud
Convolvulus cneorum, Grevillea
Fuchsia procumbens, Leptinella ,
Orangeberry, Star Creeper (Pratia)
Rosemary Lockwood de Forest, Mondo Grass
Landscaping and Accessories
Weed-mat is an excellent long-term mulch for weed suppression. Cover with bark or pebbles for a natural effect. Site shade trees away from pools, paths, and roof guttering so that falling leaves create minimum mess.
- Pots and containers - Terracotta, glazed, stone.
- Ornaments - Statues, seat, water feature, boulders, driftwood.
- Paths - Pavers, tiles, bricks, timber.
- Mulching - Weed-mat covered with bark or pebbles.
- Structures - Pergolas, decks, barbecue area.
- Boundaries - Brick or stone walls, timber or brush fencing, wrought iron.
Easy care gardens should require little pruning or training. Any flowering shrubs will benefit from a quick trim back after flowering.
Water as required in summer.
Mulch in early spring and autumn and feed with Tui General Garden Fertiliser in Spring as well.