Miniature Garden
Nichol's Group

Miniature Garden

Create a fun picturesque mini garden scene all your own

This is a fun project where you can use recycled containers, garden pebbles, plant material, and old toys to make your own magical miniature garden scene. Try using sticks to create a small bridge or a drawbridge over a moat of marbles. The options are endless, and anything goes - so let’s get creative!

Kids miniature garden scene


  • Container – a planter pot, plant saucer, or wooden box.
  • A collection of small leafed plants, for example: mondo grass, moss, succulents, ferns, spring flowers.
  • A collection of fun objects, for example: plastic animals, fairies, lego men, shells to make a pond or path, pebbles to make a path, marbles to shine for a pond or moat, sticks or ice-block sticks to make bridges or drawbridges.


  • Decorate your container with your collection of fun objects, you can change these as often as you like to create different scenes.
  • Make sure your container has sufficient drainage. If the gaps are too large, place a layer of small stones down to prevent the soil from running out, when watering. Alternatively, if the container has no holes, get an adult to help you to put some in.
  • Now put down your soil or potting mix.
  • Plant your collection of plants.
  • Place your collected items around to create your garden vision. 



Download as a pdf for printing.

Adult supervision may be required to help with this project, depending on the child's age.

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