Bottle Garden
Put those empty bottles to good use
Create your own miniature oasis in a bottle. Some plants such as ferns and mosses enjoy growing in a bottle garden or terrarium.

- Large glass or plastic jar
- Gravel or small stones
- Potting mix
- Selection of 3-4 different small growing plants
- Plastic animals or other objects for decoration
- Place a thin layer of pebbles on the base of the jar, this will help with drainage.
- Cover the pebbles with a layer of potting mix.
- Make a hollow in the potting mix and place plants into their holes, firming the mix around them.
- Very gently water the plants into place.
- Cover the potting mix with layer of small stones, and add your decoration.
- Place the lid on top.
- Keep the soil moist but do not over water.
- Click here to download as a pdf for printing.
Download this activity to print out.
Adult supervision may be required to help with this project, depending on the child's age.