Have slugs and snails been munching on your carefully tended seedlings andplants, before you get a chance to enjoy them? Tui Quash is arevolutionary low hazard formula which effectively controls slugs andsnails preventing them from ruining your plants, and is safer to use aroundchildren, pets and wildlife than alternative metaldehyde or methiocarbbased slug and snail baits. The active ingredient, Iron EDTA Complex, isalso used as a food additive, a medicine to cure anaemia (iron deficiency)and as a trace element fertiliser. It is rated less toxic than table saltfor people, yet is a potent stomach poison for slugs and snails. TuiQuash lasts longer under damp conditions when slugs and snails are mostactive. When it breaks down, plants can utilise the iron chelate forhealthy growth. Use Tui Quash throughout your garden to protect yourseedlings, potted plants, vegetables and flowers and enjoy a slug and snailfree garden!
Feeding Guide
Active Ingredient: 52.3g/kgIron EDTA Complex in the form of apellet.
Directions for planting in gardenbeds Water plants thoroughly before planting and allow to drain. Add alayer of mix to the planting area. Dig a hole, approximately twice thedepth and width of the root ball of your plant. Gently loosen the rootball of your plant and position in the centre of the hole. Fill in withTui Garden Mix. Press soil gently around the base of the plant. Wateryour plant well and continue to water regularly. Use Tui Garden Mix tofill new garden beds. For existing garden beds - create a 10cm layer ofTui Garden Mix over existing soil and dig in to approximately 10cm deep.This will help break up clay based soils to improve drainage and addvaluable organic matter to sandy soils. Spread Tui Garden Mix around thebase of trees and shrubs as a mulch to add nutrients, aid moistureretention, prevent weed growth, and reduce soil erosion.