Wisteria are vigorous woody climbers with twining stems bearing pinnateleaves and long pendulous racemes of fragrant pea-like flowers in springand early summer Details 'Amethyst' is an anticlockwise-twiningcultivar. The flowers are produced in late spring or early summer, beforethe leaves open, and are strongly fragrant, reddish- violet with a yellowblotch inside. Velvety green bean-like seed pods follow. Leaves pinnatelycompound, 25-30 cm long, 7-13 leaflets (usually 11), each about 5-10 cmlong, abruptly acuminate, deep green above, somewhat hairy beneath,especially on the midrib. Bloom occurs before leaves expand, April-May.Flowers usually blue-violet (var. alba has white flowers), about 2.5 cmlong, in 15-30 cm clusters (racemes), all flowers in a cluster tend to openat about the same time (flowers larger than those of W. floribunda). Fruitis a pod 10-15 cm long. Native to China.
Hamamelis x intermedia hybrids are crosses between Japanesewitch hazel (H. japonica) and Chinese witch hazel (H. mollis). They aresomewhat coarse, loosely-branched, medium to large, deciduous shrubs thattypically grow 12-20’ tall. They are particularly noted for their spidery,often fragrant, mid- to late winter flowers which appear before the springfoliage emerges. Common Name: Witch Hazel Type: Deciduousshrub Family: Hamamelidaceae Height: 2.5m to 3.5m Spread: 3m to4.5m Bloom Time: August to October Bloom Description: Red tocopper-red Sun: Full sun to part shade Water: Medium Maintenance:Low Suggested Use: Hedge Flower: Showy, Fragrant Leaf: Good Fall Other:Winter Interest Tolerate: Deer, Erosion, Clay Soil Genus name comesfrom the Greek words hama meaning at same time and melon meaning apple orfruit in reference to the occurrence of both fruit and flowers at the sametime on this shrub (particularly in the case of fall flowering members ofthe genus). Hybrid name means intermediate in color, form orhabit. ‘Diane’ is a red-flowered form with spreading branches. Ittypically grows to 8-12’ tall and to 10-15’ wide over 10 years. It is notedfor its winter-blooming, mildly fragrant, red to copper-red flowers (to 1”long), each having four, narrow, ribbon-like, crinkly petals. Axillaryclusters of these flowers bloom along the stems from late January to March.Broad-oval green leaves (to 6” long) turn attractive shades of yellow,orange and red in fall.