Thatch is the dense spongy layer at the base of your lawn made up oftightly interwoven or compacted stems, leaves and roots. Lawns with highlevels of thatch (2 cm or more) can create an environment in which diseaseand pest insects thrive. Poor drainage, compacted soil and unfavourable pHcan contribute to high levels of thatch. Kiwicare D-Thatch will dethatchthe lawn by organically boosting the decomposition of thatch gradually overapproximately one month.
Organically breaks down thatch.
Stimulatesbeneficial soil microbes.
Improves soil and grass health.
Made for NewZealand lawn conditions.
Safe for pets.
Alternative to destructive manualand mechanical scarifying or dethatching.
Shakewell. Dilute 10 ml per litre of water and apply at a rate of 1 litre ofspray to 10 m² of lawn. Apply using a pressure sprayer or watering can asappropriate.