On a still evening, nothing can match the sweet fragrance emanating fromLily Regale's abundant blossoms - up to 25 blossoms per stem for aspectacular long-lasting display. Plant it near a patio and enjoy itsintoxicating fragrance! This sweetly scented lily starts off with a deeppurple bud before it opens into a stunning white lily. Each flower willgrow to 15cm in diameter and 1.2m in height in its first year. It will thenreach over 1.5m tall when fully established.
Excellent border plant blooming in mid-summer providing strikingcolour and contrast to the perennial border and mixes beautifully withannuals and other summer flowering bulbs. Well suited to containers andmakes stunning cut flowers.
Planting Guide
Growing up to120-180cm tall with rigid, leafy stems it performs best in full sun or partshade and is not particular to soil type but requires well-drained soilswith good moisture. Reliable and easy to grow, plant in spring or autumn ingroups of 3 bulbs minimum to ensure a striking display. Cut back leaves andstems when they turn yellow after flowering has ceased. NOTE: These plantsare toxic to cats but not for dogs. PLANTING LILIES: Plant your bulbs inspring or autumn. Loosen the soil to a depth of 30-37cm. Deep planting isimportant as it will help stabilize your lily and potentially eliminate theneed for staking. Mix in a 5-10cm layer of compost. Dig a hole about 15cmdeep and set the lilies with the roots facing downwards. Cover the lilieswith a layer of soil, press down firmly and water thoroughly. Space yourlily bulbs at a distance of 3 times the bulb's diameter. Lilies grow bestin full sun or part shade. They need 6-8 hours of sun per day and likehaving 'cold feet'. Therefore, it is advisable to shade the lower part ofthe plant, which will also protect the roots from drying out. Most lilieslike rich, acidic to neutral soils , but some are lime-tolerant or preferalkaline soils (e.g., Madonna lilies). Well-drained soils and good moistureare crucial for lilies to grow best. Dry soils need to be avoided. CARINGFOR LILIES: In the growing season, water freely and apply a high-potashliquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. Keep moist in winter. Apply a thin layerof compost in the spring as well as a 5 cm layer of mulch to retainmoisture and control weeds. As flowers fade, cut back the stalks to thebase of the plant. After bloom, divide lilies. LILIES AS CUT FLOWERS:Choose lilies with buds that are just about to open. Trim the stem making adiagonal cut with a sharp knife. Snip off the stamens to avoid stainingyour hands or clothes with the pollen. Make sure no foliage will beunderwater when placing in a vase. A good lily arrangement will last 2 ormore weeks. Change the water every few days and add cut-flower food to thewater.