This compact, evergreen, New Zealand native Hebe forms oval domes of brightgreen tightly packed foliage with dainty clusters of white flowersappearing in early spring. This is a plant that is known for its lowmaintenance habit and happy in the sun or semi shade in well drained soils.For an eye-catching feature, plant in groups, as a border, or alongsidegrasses, flaxes and heucheras. Grows to 30-40cm tall with a spread of50cm
Garden Use
Hebe Emerald Green is perfect for sunnyspots in garden beds, borders and containers. It can be mass planted for agreat effect. Great accent plant. Also tolerant of exposed situations andfantastic when flowering. Plant 30-50cm apart for aborder.
Planting Guide
A very easy care plant thatrequires little pruning and can be planted in any soil type except forwater logged soils. Lightly tip Hebes to keep them growing in a compactform for their natural dome shape. Will not recover from hard pruning.