Gladioli Miniature Mixed Colours 10pk
Product Code: 7624
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Gladioli produce rewarding results with little effort. Sometimes known as Sword Lilies or Glads, these summer flowering corms produce tall slender stems ranging from 80 – 100 cm high. Their striking colour combinations make a real statement in most gardens.
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The delicate foliage and shorter height of these hardy miniature gladiolusgive them a truly elegant air which makes them perfect for small summergardens and fresh cut floral arrangements. Hardy mini gladiolus typicallyproduce 10-20 individual blooms per stalk that are up to 5cm wide. Gladioliare sometimes known as “Sword Lilies” or “Glads” and these Summer floweringcorms produce tall slender stems ranging from 80-120 cm high. Theirstriking colour combinations make a real statement in most gardens andusing stagger planting can create long-lasting displays as Gladioli can beplanted right through until December. Plant in full sun and in well-drainedsoil. If soil is heavy, mound it up so that excess water will run off fromaround the area were the corm has been planted. Protect them from strongwinds by either planting in a sheltered spot or supporting them with agrowth support system. Gladioli can be timed to flower anytime duringsummer simply by planting about 90 days before you require them to be inflower but avoid planting until the danger of frosts have passed. You canalso use this timing to create a long lasting display with staggerplanting. The blooms can be removed when they have begun to fade but leavethe foliage until it has died down. Lift the corms in autumn and store in acool, dark place with plenty of air movement until July-August then plantout again in the normal way.

Garden Use
Suitable for beds,borders and containers

Planting Guide
Sword-lilies bloomfor up to 2 weeks or so and to extend their bloom in the garden considerplanting every two weeks from the last frost date until early summerenabling a staggered blooming period. Typically it takes 10-12 weeeks fromplanting to flowering. Grows up to 90-120cm tall. The bigger the corm, themore chance it will produce larger plants and more spectacular flowers.Best flowering occurs in full sun in humusy, medium moisture, well-drainedsoil and will adapt to a wide range of soils except clay. Provideconsistent moisture during the growing season; after flowering watering canbe reduced.